AkademikerPension urges boards to resist top executive salary demands

Boards should not comply with excessively high wage requirements from chief executive candidates, says AkademikerPension.
Company boards should show a higher level of decipline in negotiations about chief executive wages, AkademikerPension's CIO states. | Photo: Thomas Borberg/Ritzau Scanpix
Company boards should show a higher level of decipline in negotiations about chief executive wages, AkademikerPension's CIO states. | Photo: Thomas Borberg/Ritzau Scanpix

According to Danish pension fund AkademikerPension, boards of directors at publicly listed companies should generally be more cautious about giving exorbitant wages to chief executives when financial hardships and savings are high on the agenda, the firm’s CIO and CFO, Anders Schelde, tells Danish business media Finans.

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