AMWatch closed on Thursday, May 18

There will be no AMWatch newsletter on Thursday, May 18. The media is closed due to a public holiday.
The lighthouse Rubjerg Knude is located on the steep Danish North Sea coast in the western part of the country. | Photo: Patrick Pleul/AP/Ritzau Scanpix
The lighthouse Rubjerg Knude is located on the steep Danish North Sea coast in the western part of the country. | Photo: Patrick Pleul/AP/Ritzau Scanpix
By AMWatch

The AMWatch editorial team is taking the day off on Thursday as the Nordic countries close down for a public holiday.

This means that we will not publish the daily AMWatch newsletter, nor will any new stories appear on the website.

We will back in business as usual on Friday, May 19. 

Meanwhile, you can still get an excellent overview of our articles on fund management, pension, responsible investing, and people.

In case you haven’t seen them already, here are some of the most read AMWatch stories from the past weeks:

Danske AM wins broad range of mandates to end streak of outflows

Handelsbanken Fonder to reclassify seven index funds as Article 9

German fund manager looks for new projects and partners in the Nordics

Roles reversed – Nykredit beat Sparinvest in first quarter

Analysis: Will Americans destroy ESG?

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