Casper Hammerich chose investment consulting over becoming a cop

Career path: Since January, Casper Hammerich has been a principal with the Intelligence unit at Danish investment consultancy Kirstein A/S, which he joined in 2010. But originally, he planned to follow in his family's footsteps and become a cop.
Casper Hammerich is principal at Kirstein A/S. | Photo: PR
Casper Hammerich is principal at Kirstein A/S. | Photo: PR

What career path did you envision for yourself when you were younger?

"I grew up as an only child in a family of police officers, and it seemed natural for me to follow in my family's footsteps for the first many years of my life. In fact, I chose to give the financial world a chance at the very last minute. I'm married to a police officer today, so even though I didn't end up patrolling the streets as an officer myself, the occupation is still a part of my life."

When did you decide on the career path that you're on today?

"A good friend of mine, with whom I've actually grown up side by side for the past 25 years, was admitted to the Copenhagen Business School in 2006, and although my police dream was still stirring below the surface, he was an important source of inspiration to me in respect to gathering more knowledge of the financial world. We both work in the consulting profession today, and I wouldn't be surprised if our partnership continues well into the future."

What part of your education has been most useful in your career?

"It seems to me that I recognize and utilize much of my educational background in my day-to-day work, personally as well as professionally. The financial and investment technical subjects that I took during my time at the Copenhagen Business School, and later the charter Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA), are, naturally, of big importance to my daily work. Furthermore, my time in the Royal Danish Life Guards has also influenced my attitude to due diligence and my eye for detail."

What part of your CV represents the most drastic change in your career path?

"I began my career in 2008 at Danish bond manager HP Fondsmæglerselskab, and the following two years were in every way an exciting and rewarding time, both with regard to finding the balance between theory and practice, and in getting close to a team of talented asset managers. In the meantime, however, I took an interest in gaining a deeper insight into other asset classes, and thus also other asset managers. In early 2010 I got the opportunity to become an investment analyst at Kirstein A/S on the team that selected external asset managers. I have worked at Kirstein A/S since then, and today I am an investment and strategy consultant for a wide range of international asset managers. Even though I stayed in the asset management business, that shift has been of great significance to my career."

Which leader in the industry has been most inspiring to you career-wise?

"Throughout my career, I have been fortunate enough to work alongside a number of talented leaders, both as employers, but also in the form of clients and connections, and they have each influenced and inspired me in their respective, unique ways. At the risk of sounding cliché, it stands to reason that Jesper Kirstein, with whom I have worked closely for many years now, has been, and still is, an important catalyst to my personal and professional growth. His vast experience, combined with his charisma and cordial nature, makes even the most challenging day more easily surmountable. Additionally, it's admirable that he has managed to build the leading asset management consultancy services in the Nordics in just 20 years."

English Edit: Marie Honoré

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