Working with kids taught WisdomTree's new sales director the importance of teamwork

Career Path: Coaching children's ice hockey has been helpful for the new Nordic Sales Director at WisdomTree Björn Sandberg.
Björn Sandberg, Nordic Sales Director at WisdomTree | Photo: PR
Björn Sandberg, Nordic Sales Director at WisdomTree | Photo: PR

Which career path did you imagine for yourself when you were younger?

"I first saw myself as a professional ice hockey player, or possibly a guitarist in a rock band. Unfortunately, I had a total lack of talent for both."

When did you decide on the career path you have today?

"At my first job with a small insurance company I ran into equity, bonds, and FX markets. And at that point I very much realized that I had found my passion, and it is markets."

When was that?

"In the late 80s. And my first experience of the equity market was the crash of 1987."

What education do you have?

"I have degree from Stockholm University in Business Administration and Economics."

Which part of your education have you used the most in your career?

"Academically I must say macroeconomics. But in terms of education overall; playing and especially coaching children's ice hockey also taught me a lot about group dynamics and how to compete and so forth, and that has been very useful when working in trading rooms since then."

Useful in what way?

"The importance of teamwork, I think."

Which part of your resumé represents the biggest change in your career?

"Moving from managing trading desks to asset management 10 years ago. That was a big shift,because you go from constant action to longer business cycles."

Do you prefer one or the other?

"I miss the action of a trading room, but still, I very much enjoy my current life."

What is the best part of the professional position you have now?

"I get to meet a lot of inspiring people, both clients and colleagues. And Wisdomtree is just a great place to work."

What makes it a great place to work?

"It is a young company. Wisdomtree Europe has staff from pretty much all over the world and with all possible ages, and that makes it a good group."

Which leader in the business has inspired you the most?

"Bo Selling, who was head of HSBC in Stockholm, taught me a lot about valuation of stocks and attention to detail. But I must highlight Frans Lindelöw, also from HSBC. From him I learned the importance of having fun in the office. He is very good with people."

What preoccupies you at this moment in time?

"Besides my new job of course, I'm also very much looking forward to the ORC world championship in Estonia in August, which is an offshore sailing race that I will participate in."

How long have you been sailing?

"Pretty much since I was born."

And is that what you prefer to do when you are not working?

"Yes. Of course, my family always comes first. But right now, I do a lot of sailboat racing."

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