A former war correspondent went corporate

Career path: Sasja Beslik, Head of Sustainable Finance, Nordea Wealth Management, is inspired by many people "with courage", though only few come from the asset management industry, he explains.
Sasja Beslik, Head of Sustainable Finance, Nordea Wealth Management.
Sasja Beslik, Head of Sustainable Finance, Nordea Wealth Management.

What career path did you envision for yourself when you were younger?

"I was a talented football player and before the war in Bosnia I played in the first division, so my plans were related to sports, football."

When did you decide on the career path that you're on today?

"I was recruited to the financial industry from the oil & gas sector 2003. At that time I worked in Nigeria and Angola. It was both unexpected and a big change to move to office from working in fields of Africa."

What part of your education has been most useful in your career?

"Several different parts, but maybe one of the most significant ones is related to the understanding of functionality of economic systems that I gained through education in Economics."

What part of your CV represents the most drastic change in your career path?

"I'm an educated journalist and economist, so when I went from being war correspondent to working for corporate sector in 1999, I crossed a bridge to very different world."

Which leader in the industry has been most inspiring to you career-wise

"There are many people with courage that inspire me on a daily basis, unfortunately very few of them are in industry." 

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"Nobody in my social circle had any idea what my occupation was" 

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